انضمام اليهم

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More than 600 rural and urban civil society and farmers’ organizations, 12 governmental institutions, and more than 600 researchers and citizens from five continents are calling for (and participating in) the WFAL with the goal of truly advancing actions that will provide poor farmers with more land, water, and natural resource access. Their names are presented below.
All have signed the call to organize the World Forum on Access to Land and natural resources which was launched in march 2014.

They got it! The global debate took place in Valencia, Spain on the last April.
We invite those who have not already done so to sign the call, in support of the final WFAL report from the global assembly in Valencia

Join them through the sign up button on the right/on the left. Please choose the proper thumb index according to your category (individual, non governmental organization, governemental organization).

The signatories are presented below according to their category and continent.

افتتاح المناقشات الإقليمية على الانترنت

4 أشهر من المناقشات الإقليمية لجعل ممارسة المواقف المختلفة الأوضاع الحالية في كل قارة. نحن بفارغ الصبر بعيدا مساهماتكم!




AFRICA (269)

A.P.E.DE.C, Action pour la Protection de l’Environnement et le Développement Communautaire (Action for Environmental Protection and Community Development ), Senegal

A.R.C.E.Hir-A.S.B.L., Association de Recherches, Conservation, Encadrement des Hirondelles (Association for the Study, Preservation and Control of Swallows), Democratic Republic of Congo

AAP, Aide et Action pour la Paix (Help and Action for Peace), Africa

ACC, Action Contre la Corruption (Action against corruption), Guinea

ACF, Agricultural Consultative Forum (Agricultural Consultative Forum ), Africa-Zambia

ACFAC, Action Commuautaire des Femmes Autochtones du Congo (Community Action of Aboriginal Women from Congo), Republic of Congo

ACTION CONTRE LA CORRUPTION ( Action Against Corruption), Guinea

ACTIONS GENRE ET DÉVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL (Gender Equity and Economic and Social Development), Ivory Coast

ADD, Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (Sustainable Development Alternatives), Cameroon

ADDC , Associação dos Defensores dos Direitos da Criança (Association of Children’s Rights defenders), Mozambique

ADESE, Action pour Développement Economique Social et Environnemental (Action for Economic, Social and Environmental Development), Guinea

ADHC, Action pour le Développement Humain au Congo (Action for Human Development in Congo), Democratic Republic of the Congo

ADHD, (Auto Promotion Rural pour un Développement Humain Durable), Africa

ADPS AMBANJA, Association pour le Développement et le Paysannat du Sambirano, Madagascar

AEEV, Agro-Écologie et Environnement Vert (Agroecology and green environment), Tunisia

AF2000, Association femmes 2000 (Women 2000 Association), Burkina Faso

AFRA, Association for Rural Advancement, South Africa

AFRIQUE PERFORMANCE (Africa Performance), Benin

AFVMC, Association d’Aide aux Familles et Victimes des Migrations Clandestines (Aide to Families and Victims of Clandestine Migration), Cameroon

AGIR SENEGAL (Senegal Act), Senegal

AGUIPER, Association Guinée pour la Promotion des Energies Renouvelables (Guinea Association for the Promotion of Renewable Energies), Guinea

AIDE-GUINEE, Initiatives, Actions et Développement pour la Guinée (Initiatives, Actions and Development for Guinea), Guinea

AIPAC, Actions et Innovations Paysannes du Cameroun (Actions and Farming Innovations in Cameroon), Cameroon

AJD, Action Jeunesse pour le Développement (Youth Action for Development), Republic of Congo

AJDA, Association des Jeunes pour le Développement Agricole (Youth Association for Agricultural Development), Guinea-Conakri

AJDC Lubarika, Association de jeunes pour le développement communautaire (Youth Association for Community Development), Democratic Republic of Congo

AJDD, Association des Jeunes pour le Développement Durable (Youth Association for Sustainable Development), Guinea

AJED-CONGO, Action Jeunesse pour le Développement (Youth Action for Development), Republic of Congo

AKAD, Association de Kairouan pour l’Autodéveloppement (Kairouan Association for Self-development), Tunisia

AMACO, Association Maroc Coexistence (Morocco Coexistence Association), Morocco

AMAD, Association Mauritanienne pour l’Auto Developpement (Mauritanian Association for the Self Development), Mauritania

AMC, Association des Mamans Célibataires pour la paix et le développement (Association of Single Mothers for Peace and Development), Burundi

ANAG, Associacao Nacional dos Agricultores (National Association of Farmers), Guinea-Bissau

ANCAR, Agence Nationale de Conseil Agricole et Rural (National Agency for Agricultural and Rural Consultancy), Senegal

ANOPER, Association nationale des organisations professionnelles des éleveurs de ruminants du Bénin (National Association of professional organizations of ruminant), Benin

A.P.E.DE.C, Action pour la Protection de l’Environnement et le DEveloppement Communautataire (Action pour la Protection de l’Environnement et le DEveloppement Communautataire ), Senegal

APDH, Association pour la Paix et les Droits de l’Homme (Peace and Human rights Association), Africa

APDIP BONGOLAVA, Association Paysanne pour le Développement Inter Professionnel, Madagascar

APME2A, Agence pour la Promotion de la Petite et la Moyenne Entreprise Agriculture et Artisanat, Burkina Faso

ASDEN, Association Sahélienne pour le Développement et de l’Environnement, Senegal

ASDHD, Action de Solidarité pour les Droits Humains et la Démocratie (Solidarity action for human rights and democracy), Cameroon

ASED, Association-Santé-Education-Démocratie (Association Health-Education-Democracy), Niger

ASEDRI, Association for Education and Integrated Rural Development (Association for Education and Integrated Rural Development), Spain / Togo

ASFE, Action pour la Sécurisation Foncière et l’Environnement (Security Land and environmental action), Burkina Faso

ASMADE, Help to endogenous development (Association Songui Manégré/Aide au Développement Endogène), Democratic Republic of Congo

ASSAUVET, Association Sauvons la Vie, de l’Eau Potable pour Tous (Save the life, drinking water for all association ), Cameroon

ASSOCIATION TERRE DE VIE (Life Land Association), Madagascar

ASSOCIATION DES URBANISTES DU CHAD (Town planners Association), Chad

ASSOCIATION MEDIATEUS DU MONDE (Mediators world Association), Cameroon

Association for Health and Prevention of Tropical Diseases (Association for Health and Prevention of Tropical Diseases), Togo

ATLO, Aid for Trade Logistics, Tanzania

ATTAC Gabon, Association pour la taxation des transactions financières et pour l’action citoyenne (Association for the Taxation of financial Transactions and Citizen action), Gabon

AVADEG, Association des Volontaires pour l’Assistance au Développement, Guinea

AVES, Association des Volontaires pour l’Environnement Sain (Volunteers Organization for Healthy Environment), Togo

AVOCATS VERTS (Green Lawyers), Democratic Republic of Congo

AYICC, Réseau de la Jeunesse Nigérienne sur les Changements Climatiques (African Youth Initiative on Climate Change ), Niger

BASIF, Senegal

BDIE, Bureau Diocésain de Développement de l’Eglise Anglicane du Congo (Diocesan Development Office of the Anglican Church of Congo), Democratic Republic of the Congo

BDIE /ASBL, Bureau Diocésain de Développement de l’Église Anglicane (Diocesan Development Office of the Anglican Church), Democratic Republic of the Congo

BDM/M, Banlieues Du Monde Mauritanie (Suburbs of the World Mauritania), Mauritania


CABURO, Capacity Building and Human Right, Cameroon

CADRE DE CONCERTATION DES ORGANISATIONS PAYSANNES EN GAMBIE (Concertation Framework for Peasant Organizations in Gambia), Gambia

CANADEL, Centre d’Accompagnement pour les Nouvelles Alternatives de Developpement Loca (The Support Centre for Local Development Alternatives), Cameroon

CBS/ONGDH, Convention pour le bien être social (Convention for the social well being), Democratic Republic of Congo

CEB, Contribution à l’Education de Base (Contribution to Basic Education), Niger

CEBEDES, Centre Béninois pour l’Environnement et le Développement Economique et Social (Center for environment and economic development and social), Benin

CED, Centre pour l’Environnement et le Développement du Cameroun (Center for Environment and Development), Cameroon

CEDEN, Cercle pour La Défense de l’environnement, Democratic Republic of Congo

CEED, Center for Environmental Education and Development (Center for Environmental Education and Development), Nigeria

CEFAP-LADIES CIRCLE, Cercle des filles et femmes actives pour l’amélioration des conditions socio économiques et culturelles des femmes et des filles (The Girls and Women Circle for the improvment of Socio-Economic and cultural conditions of Girls and Women), Cameroon

CEGO, Center for Environmental Governance , Ghana


CENADEP, National Center for Popular Development (National Center for Popular Development), Democratic Republic of Congo


CENTRE D’APPUI AUX INITIATIVES MULTISECTORIELLES DE DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE (Center for Supporting Multisectoral Initiatives of Sustainable Development), Democratic Republic of the Congo

CENDEN, Cercle pour la défense de l’environnement (Circle for the environmental protection), Democratic Republic of the Congo

CICODEV, L’Institut panafricain pour la citoyenneté, les consommateurs et le développement (The Pan-African Institute for Citizenship , consumers and development), Africa

CICOL, Civil Society Coalition on Land, Ghana

CIFED, Centre Ivoirien pour la Dignité de l’Enfant et de la Femme (Canarias FIARE Association), Ivory Coast

CINESDA, International Center of Sociological Studies and Applied Law (International Center of Sociological Studies and Applied Law), Burkina Faso

CISV, Communita Impegno Servizio Volontariato, Burkina Faso

CNAEC, Conseil National des Agriculteurs et Eleveurs du Cameroun (National Council of Farmers and Breeders in Camerron), Cameroon

CNCPRT, Conseil national de Concertation des Producteurs ruraux du Tchad (National Council for the Concertation of Rural Producers of Chad), Chad

CNCR, Conseil National de Concertation et de Coopération des Ruraux (National Council for Rural Concertation and Cooperation), Senegal

CNOP, Confédération Nationale des Organisations Paysannes (National Coordination of Peasant Organizations of Mali), Mali

CNOP CONGO, Concertation Nationale des Organisations Paysannes du Congo (National Concertation of Peasant Organizations of Congo), Democratic Republic of Congo

CNOP-CAM, Concertation Nationale des Organisations Paysannes (National Concertation of Peasant Organizations), Cameroon

CNOP-GUINÉE, Conseil National des Organisations paysannes (National Council of Peasant Organisations), Guinea

COCOM, Coeur Compatissant (Compassionate Heart), Democratic Republic of the Congo

CODELT, Conseil pour la Défense Environnementale par la Légalité et la Tracabilité (Council for Environmental Defense on Legality and Traceability), Africa

CODICOM, Comité pour le développement intégré des communautés de base (Comitee for the integrated development of local communities), Democratic Republic of Congo

COMPOST CONGO & HOMO CENTRUM, Democratic Republic of the Congo

CONTRIBUTION AL’EDUCATION DE BASE (Contribution to Basic Education), Niger

COPAGEN, Coalition pour la Protection du Patrimoine Génétique Africain (Coalition for the Protection of African Genetic Heritage), Ivory Coast

COPORISUDCAM, Collectif des populations riveraines du complexe agroindustriel sud cameroun hevea (Boarding people of Cameroun Sud Hevea agro industry), Cameroon

COSCCET, Le Comité de suivi pour la contribution des communautés et églises à la transition pacifique en RDC (Monitoring Committee for the contribution of communities and churches in the peaceful transition in DRC), Democratic Republic of Congo

COSDEPIJ , Cercle d’Organisation pour le Soutien et le Développement Durable de l’Enfant et la Promotion des Initiatives de la Jeunesse (Organisation Circle for Child Support and Sustainable Development and Youth Initiatives Promotion), Cameroon

CPF, Confédération paysanne du Faso (Peasant Confederation), Burkina Faso

CPM, Coalition paysanne de Madagascar (Farmer Coalition of Madagascar), Madagascar

CRUBN, Coordination regionale des usagers (ères) des ressources Naturelles du Bassin du Niger (Regional coordination of Natural Resources Users Niger Basin), Mali

CSPF, Centre de Secours pour la Promotion de la Famille (Relief Center for Family Promotion), Benin

CTA, Conseil pour la Terre des Ancêtres (Council for Ancestors Land), Democratic Republic of Congo

CTOP-TOGO, Coordination Togolaise des Organisations paysannes et de producteurs Agricoles (National Coordination of Peasant Organizations and Agricultural Producers), Togo

CTV, Centro Terra Viva (Alive earth Center), Africa

Grow campaign in Niger/Oxfam (Grow campaign in Niger/Oxfam), Niger

DCAM, Benin

DEDRAS, Organisation pour le Développement Durable, le Renforcement et l’Autopromotion des Structures (Organization for Sustainable Development , Strengthening and Autopromotion Structures), Benin

DIF, Integrated Development in Focus (Integrated Development in Focus), Ghana

EAFF, Eastern Africa Farmers Federation, Africa

ECASARD, Ecumenical Association for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development, Ghana

ECOALLIANCE, Alliance écologique terres et forets pour la paix et le developpement durable (Land and forest green alliance for peace and sustainable development), Democratic Republic of Congo

EEF, East Eagle Foundation, Democratic Republic of the Congo

ELCI, Environmental Liaison Center International, Africa

ENDA, Environnement et Développement du Tiers Monde (Environmental development action in the third world), Senegal

ENDA PRONAT, Environnement et Développement du Tiers Monde Pronat (Pronat and Environmental development action in the third world), Senegal

ENSOD, Benin

ESCEP-Bât., Company from the storm water collection system and building sector (Company from the storm water collection system and building sector), Burundi

ESEN, Ensemble Soyons l’Environnement Nigerien (Let’s be the Nigerien Environment together), Niger

EVA-T, Life Space and Action (Life Space and Action), Togo

FADECOM, Action Foundation for Communautary Development (Action Foundation for Communautary Development), Democratic Republic of Congo

FAT-GL, Forum des Amis de la Terre – Grands Lacs (Forum of Friends of the Earth – Great Lakes), Democratic Republic of Congo

FCIEX, Femmes Côte d’Ivoire Experience (Experience women Ivorian Coast), Ivory Coast

Fédération Panafricaine des Associations et Clubs de l’Union Africaine (Panafrican Federation of African Union Associations and Clubs)


FEPAC, Fédération Panafricaines des Associations et Clubs de l’Union Africaine (Panafrican Federation of African Union Associations and Clubs (PFAU/AC)), Burkina Faso


FITAME MENABE, Association des Paysans du Menabe, Madagascar

FLSALLE, Fondation Lucienne SALLE (Lucienne SALLE Foundation), Democratic Republic of Congo

FNAB, Fédération Nationale pour l’Agriculture Biologique (National Federation of Biological Agriculture), Senegal

FODER, Forêts et Développement Rural (FODER) ( Forest and Rural Developement), Cameroon

FOJACI, Forum de la Jeunesse Active de Cote d’ivoire (Active Youth Forum of Ivory Coast), Ivory Coast

FOPABU, Forum des organisations paysannes du Burundi (Forum of farmers’ organizations), Burundi

FOSE, Farmer Organization for Sustainable Environment (Farmer Organization for Sustainable Environment), Cameroon

FPRN, Democratic Republic of the Congo

FVTM, Fédération Nationale des Femmes Rurales Malgaches (National Federation of Women Malgaches Farmers in Madagascar ), Madagascar

GAI2D-Bénin, Groupe d’Actions International pour le Développement Durable au Bénin (International Action Group for Sustainable Development), Benin

GAPAFOT, Groupe d’action, de paix et de formation pour la transformation (Action Group for peace and training for transformation), Central African Republic

GATT-RN, Groupe d’Appui à la Traçabilité et la Transparence dans la gestion des Ressources Naturelles (Support Group for Traceability and Transparency in the Management of Natural Resources), Democratic Republic of the Congo

GEN-RCA, (Global Ecovillage Network RCA ), Central African Republic

GEREF AFRIQUE, Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Foncier en Afrique (Study and Research Group on Environment and Land in Africa), Benin


GRABE-Bénin, Groupe de Recherche et d’Action pour le Bien Etre – Bénin (Research and Action Group for Wellbeing in Benin), Benin

GRAIB ONG, Groupe de recherche et d’Appui aux Initiatives de Base pour un Développement durable (Research Group and Support Grassroots Initiatives for Sustainable Development), Benin

GRHO, Horizon Vert (Green Horizon), Cameroon

GRIDDH, Groupe de recherche et d’Intervention pour le droit humanitaire (Resaersh and relief group for humanitarian right), Democratic Republic of the Congo

GROUPE DE RECHERCHE ET D’ASSISTANCE À LA GESTION FONCIÈRE (Land Governance Research and Assistance Group), Burkina Faso

GTE-Sahel, Association pour la Gestion des terres et des Eaux du Sahel (Association for the Management of Sahelian Land and Water ), Cameroon

HDH, Humanisme et Droits Humains (Humanism and Human Rights), Democratic Republic of the Congo

I2D-BENIN, Initiatives pour le Développement Durable, Benin

ICFP, International Campaign for Freedom and Peace, Benin

IDEF, Initiatives pour le Développement de l’Entreprenariat Féminin (Feminine Entrepreneurship Development Initiatives), Democratic Republic of Congo

ILRI, International Livestock Research Institute, Africa

INADES Formation, Institut Africain pour le développement Economique et Social (African Institute for Economical and Social Development), Africa



Moroccan Body for Human Rights (Moroccan Body for Human Rights), Marocco

IPAR, Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (Agrarian an Rural Initiative), Senegal

J.D.B – Togo, Jeunesse Debout Bâtissons le Togo (Standing youth build Togo), Togo

JASN, Jeunesse active pour un Sahel nouveau (Active Youth for a New Sahel), Burkina Faso

JECPC, Jeunesse Engagée Contre la Précarité et le Chômage (Engaged Youth against Precariousness and Unemployement), Benin

JERFRI, Jeune Equipe de Recherche sur le Foncier Rural Ivoirien (Young Team of Research in Ivorian Rural Land), Ivory Coast

JEUNES VERTS TOGO (Togo Young Greens), Togo

JINUKUN, Réseau national pour une gestion durable des ressources génétiques (The National Network for Sustainable Management of Genetic Resources), Benin

JPT, Justice pour tous (Justice for all), Democratic Republic of the Congo


JVT, Jeunes Verts Togo (Togo Young Greens), Togo

KENAFF, Kenya National Farmers Federation, Africa

KLA, Kenya Land Alliance, Kenya

KODEN, Collectif pour la Défense des Terres du Ndiael (Ndiael Lands Defense Collective), Senegal


LAMOSA, Land Access Movement of South Africa, South Africa

LAND FOR PEACE, South Africa





MACOFA, Mau Community Forestry Association, Africa

MACOIDEP, Maoi Community Integrated Development Programme, Kenya

MBOSCUDA, Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association, Africa

MDI, Millennium Development Institute (Millennium Development Institute), Ghana

MEFP, Maison de l’Enfant et de la Femme Pygmées (House of Children and Women Pygmies), Central African Republic

MFR, Maison Familiale Rurale (Rural Family House), Democratic Republic of Congo

MIDR, Mutual Insurance of Rural Development Engineers (Mutual Insurance of Rural Development Engineers), Congo

MSP-DRO.L, Le Mouvement de Solidarité Pour le Droit au Logement (The Solidarity Movement for the Right to Housing), Burkina Faso

MUBEKA (MUBEKA), Democratic Republic of Congo

MVIWATA, Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima (The Network of Farmers Groups in Tanzania), Tanzania

NKUZI, Nkuzi Development Association, Africa

NOVOX AFRIQUE (Africa Novox), Togo

NSCC, New Congolese Civil Society (New Congolese Civil Society), Democratic Republic of Congo

NUEN, Northern Uganda Effort for the Needy (Northern Uganda Effort for the Needy), Uganda

OAPIDE, Organisation d’Appui aux Initiatives de Développement et Environnement (Organisation in Support of Development and Environment Initiatives), Cameroon

OEARSE, Observatory Studies and Support for Social and Environmental Responsibility, Democratic Republic of the Congo

ONF-BF, Observatoire National du Foncier au Burkina Faso (National Land Observatory in Burkina Faso), Burkina Faso

ONG ACTION VERTE (Green Action NGO), Central African Republic

ONG-Survie, Survie de la mere et de l’enfant (Survival of the mother and the child), Benin

OOAE/BF, Observatoire Ouest – Africain de l’Environnement (Environmental Observatory West-African), Burkina Faso

OPDP, Ogiek Peoples Development Program, Africa

OPSA, Observatório Político e Social de Angola (Political and Social Observatory of Angola), Angola

ORAM, Associacao Rural de Ajuda Mutua, Mozambique

OYOFO , Ivory Coast

PENHA, The Pastoral and Environmental Network in the Horn of Africa, Horn of Africa

PFP, Plateforme Paysanne du Niger (Peasants Platform), Niger

PIDP, Programme d’Intégration pour le Développement du Peuple Pygmée (Program for the Integration and Development of the Pygmy People ), Democratic Republic of Congo

PIDP-SHIRIKA LA BAMBUTI, Programme Intégré pour le Développement du Peuple Pygmée au Kivu (Integrated Programme for Development of Pygmy People in Kivu), Democratic Republic of Congo

PLANOPAC, Plateforme Nationale des Organisations Professionnelles Agrosylvopastorales (National Platform of agrosilvopastoral Professional Organizations), Cameroon

PLIA, Plateforme Locale des Initiatives Agricoles (Local Platform of Agricultural Initiatives), Guinea

PLRD, People Land and Rural Development, Kenya

PNOPPA, Plateforme Nationale des Organisations Paysannes et de Producteurs Agricoles du Bénin (National Platform of Peasant Organisations and Agricultural Producers of Benin), Benin

PPP-2015, Plateforme Nationale de Plaidoyer Post-2015 (National Advocacy Framework Post-2015 (PPP-2015)), Guinea

PROPAC, Plateforme régionale des organisations paysannes d’Afrique centrale (The Sub-Regional Platform of Peasant Organizations of Central Africa)

PSSFP/RGF, Projet de Sécurisation des Systèmes Fonciers Pastoraux au Niger par le Renforcement de la Gouvernance Foncière, Niger

QUADRO NACIONAL DE CONCERTACÃO DAS ORGANIZACOES CAMPONENSES Y PRODUCTORES AGRICOLAS DA GUINÉ BISSAO. (National Framework for Concertation of Rural Organizations and Agricultural Producers ), Guinea-Bissau

Ramidus Afardacarsitoh Egla (Ramidus Organization of the Afar breeders), Ethiopia

RAPDA, Réseau africain pour le droit à l’alimentation (African Network on the Right to Food), Africa

RBM, Réseau des Eléveurs et Pasteurs d’Afrique Billital Maroobè (Cattle keepers and shepherds network of Africa Bilitan Marrobe ), Africa

REBESEF, Réseau Béninois pour la Sécurité Foncière et la gestion Durable des Terres (Beninese Network Security and Sustainable Land Management Lands), Benin

RECONCILE, Resource Conflict Institute, Africa

RISD, Rwanda Initiative for Sustainable Development, Rwanda

RJNCC, Réseau de la Jeunesse Nigérienne sur les Changements Climatiques (Nigerian Youth Network for the Climate Change), Niger

RNJGS, Réseau National des Jeunes Géomètres Sénégalais (Senegalese Young Surveyors National Network), Senegal

ROPEN – Maroobe, Réseau des organisations des pasteurs et éleveurs du Niger / Antenne Pays du Réseau Bilital Maroobe (The Network of Pastors and breeders Organizations of Niger – Country branch of Bilital Maroobe Network), Niger

ROPPA, Réseau des organisations paysannes et de producteurs agricoles d’Afrique de l’Ouest (The Network of Farmers and Agricultural Producers Organisations of West Africa), West Africa

ROSA, Réseau des Organisations de la société civile pour le Suivi de la sécurité alimentaire (Civil Society Organizations Network for Food Security Monitoring), Mauritania

RTDCL, Réseau Terre & Droits des Communautés Locales (Land and rights or local communities), Democratic Republic of Congo

RVCC, Réseau de Veille sur la commercialisation des Céréales (Grain Marketing Watch Network), Burkina Faso

S.O.S.-CEDIA , SOS – Criança e Desenvolvimento Integral de Angola (S.O.S. – Child and Integral Development of Angola), Angola

SAFIRE, Southern Alliance for Indigenous Resources, Africa

SCCDRC, Save Communities in Conflicts, Democratic Republic of Congo

SCNPE, Synergie Citoyenne au nom de la Paix et l’Environnement (Citizen’s Synergy in the name of Peace and the Environment), Guinea-Conakri

SECS, Sudanese Environment Conservation Society, Sudan

SEG, Save Guinea Environment (Save Guinea Environment), Guinea

SI GHANA, Social Impact (Social Impact ), Ghana

SIF, Solidarité des Intervenants sur le Foncier , Africa

SiLNoRF, Sierra Leone Network on the Right to Food (Sierra Leone Network on the Right to Food), Sierra Leone

SNV, Netherlands Development Organisation, Africa

SPDI, Solidarite Paysanne pour le Developpement Integral (Peasant Solidarity for Integral Development ), Democratic Republic of Congo

SSULA, South Sudan Land Alliance, Sudan

SUDECIDEURS, South Decision Makers (South Decision Makers), Benin

SYNAB, Syndicat National des Agriculteurs du Burkina (National Union of Farmers from Burkina Faso), Burkina Faso

SYNPA-TOGO, Synergie Paysanne (Peasant synergy), Togo

SYNTRART, Syndicat des Travailleurs Ruraux du Tchad (Chadian Rural Workers Union), Chad

TAG Foundation, Think and Act Green Foundation, Cameroon

TI-IM, Transparency International – Initiative Madagascar, Madagascar

TI-ZIMBABWE, Transparency International Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

TRALSO, Transkei Land Service Organization, Africa

UACDDDD, Union des Associations et Coordinations d’Association pour la Défense des Droits des Démunis (Federation of associations and associations coordinations for the defense of deprived people’s rights), Mali

UCP ASA, Madagascar

UEFA, Union pour l ’ Emancipation de la Femme Autochtone (Union for the Emancipation of Native Women ), Africa



UNION DE PROFESSIONNELLES AGRICOLES DE L’OUBRITENGA (Union of land professionals of Oubritenga ), Burkina Faso

UNOADD, Union des Organismes d’Appui au Développement Durable (Union of the Organizations for Sustainable Development), Cameroon

UNTD, Senegal

VA-Bénin, Valorisation Agricole (Agricultural Valorisation), Benin

VADID, Volontaires d’Action pour le Développement Intégré et Durable (Action’s Volunteer for Integrated and Sustainable Development), Benin

VISION DURABLE ASBL, Democratic Republic of Congo

VNET, Verein für nachhaltige Entwicklung in Tunesien (Association for sustainable development in Tunisia), Tunisia

VP , Voix du Paysan (Farmer’s Voice), Democratic Republic of Congo

VPPEE, Vision Pour la Protection de l’Environnement et de l’Ecosystème (Vision for Environmental and Ecosystem Protection), Democratic Republic of Congo

WARESA, Women and Resources in Eastern and Southern Africa, Zimbabwe

WIDO, Women In Distress Organisation (Women In Distress Organisation), Nigeria

WILDAF, Women in Law and Development in Africa, Africa

YMCA, Sierra Leonean Youth Agricultural and Community Development Organization, Republic of Sierra Leone

YAS, Youth Agrarian Society (Youth Agrarian Society), Zimbabwe

YSN, Senegalese young surveyors Network, Senegal

ZERO, Zimbabwe Regional Environment Organisation, Zimbabwe

ZLA, Zambia Land Alliance, Zambia

ZPLRM, Zimbabwe People’s Land Rights Movement, Zimbabwe

    1. ASIA (52)


AFA, Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development, Philippines

AIPP, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, Asia

ALRD, Association for Land Reform and Development, Asia

ANGOC, Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development, Philippines

AR NOW, The People’s Campaign for Agrarian Reform Network, Inc., Asia

ARBAN, Association for Realisation of Basic Needs, Asia

ASIADHRRA, Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia, Asia

BJSA, Bhartiya Jan Sewa Ashram, Asia

CARRD, Centre for Agrarian Reform and Rural Developmet, Asia

CDA, Community Development Association, Asia

CDS NEPAL, College of Development Studies, Nepal

COLARP, Consortium for Land Research and Policy Dialogue, Nepal

CRIC, Centro Regionale d’Intervento per la Cooperazione (Regional Intervention Center for Cooperation), Occupied Palestinian Territories

CSRC, Community Self-Reliance Centre, Asia

DWA, Dalit Welfare Association (Dalit Welfare Association), Nepal


FAEC, Federation of Farmer Associations Promoting Family Agriculture Enterprise in Cambodia, Cambodia

FES, Foundation for Ecological Security, Asia

GDS, Bangladesh


JASIL, , Asia

JKPP, Indonesian Community Mapping Network, Indonesia

JKS, Jan Kalyan Sansthan, Asia


KPA, Konsortium Pumbaruan Agraria (Consortium for Agrarian Reform), Asia

LIAQAT CORP., Pakistan

MARAG, Maldhari Rural Action Group, Asia


NGOFC, NGO Forum on Cambodia, Cambodia

NLRF, National Land Rights Forum, Asia

PAFID, Philippine Association for Intercultural Development, Inc., Philippines

PAFU, Palestinian Associations of Farmers Union (Palestinian Associations of Farmers Union), Palestine

PAKISAMA, Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaka (National Federation of Peasant Organisation), Asia

PARC, The Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees Fair Trade Department, Palestine

PHANO, Vietnam Association of Rural Development Science, Vietnam

RDF, Rural Development Fund, Asia

RISE, Resource Institute of Social EDucation (Resource Institute of Social EDucation), India

RMI BOGOR, Indonesian Institute for Forest & Environment, Indonesia

SAINS, Sajogyo Institute, Asia

SARRA, South Asia Rural Reconstruction Association, Asia

SCOPE, Society for Conservation and Protection of Environment, Pakistan

SDDPA, Society for Development of Drought Prone Area, India

SDF, Social Development Foundation, Bangladesh

SHOREA, Small Home of Rural Empowerment Activits, Indonesia




TFM, Task Force Mapalad, Asia

VSK, Vanvasi Seva Kendra

WORD, Women’s Organisation for Rural Development (Women’s Organisation for Rural Development), India

XSF, Xavier Science Foundation, Philippines

    1. EUROPE (128)

ACTUAR, Associação Para a Cooperação e o Desenvolvimento (Association for Cooperation and Development), Portugal

ADEQUATIONS (Adequacy), France

AEFJN, Africa Europe Faith & Justice Network, Belgium

AFASPA, Association française d’amitié et de solidarité avec les peuples d’Afrique (French Association for Friendship and Solidarity with African Peoples), France

AFDI, Agriculteurs français et développement international (French Farmers and International Development), France

AFES, Association Française pour l’Etude du Sol (French Association of Soil Sciences), France

AGIA, Associazione giovani imprenditori agricoli (Association of Young Farmers), Italy


AGTER, Association Pour L’amélioration De La Gouvernance De La Terre L’eau Et Des Ressources Naturelles (Association to contribute to improve the Governance of Land, Water and Natural Resources), France

ANTA, Spain

APCSE, Associazione Peripli. Culture e Società Euromediterranee (Association “Peripli”. Euromediterranean Cultures and Societies ), Italy

APMM, Association Peuples et Montagnes du Monde (World Mountain People Association), France

ARTISANS DU MONDE GRENOBLE (Craftspeople of the world), France

ASACAM, Agroecología y Soberanía Alimentaria en Castilla-La Mancha (Agroecology and Food Sovereignty in Castilla – La Mancha), Spain

ASAPI , Asociacion Aragonesa de Ganaderos de Bovino de Raza Pireanica, Spain

ASOCIACIÓN VIDA SANA (Healthy Living Association), Spain

ASOVALLE, Asociación Valle (Valle Association), Spain

Association Filière Paysanne (Farming Chain Association), France

ATELIER COMPETENCES INTERNATIONALES (International Competencies Workshop), France

ATTAC France, Association pour la taxation des transactions financières et pour l’action citoyenne (Association for the Taxation of financial Transactions and Citizen action), France

AVA-ASAJA, , Spain

AVSF, AGRONOMES VETERINAIRES SANS FRONTIERES (Agronomists and Veterinarians Without Borders), France


BIOS,, Moldova

CAFS, Centre for Agroecology and Food Security, United Kingdom

CARNES ECOLOGICAS CAMPOS (Fields Ecological Meat), Spain


CCFD-Terre solidaire, Comité Catholique Contre la Faim et pour le Développement – Terre solidaire (Catholic Committee Against Hunger and for Development), France

CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS JUAN DE LANUZA (Juan de Lanuza Study Centre ), Spain

CERAI, Centro de Estudios Rurais y Agriculturas Internacional (International Agriculture and Rural Studies Center), Spain

CES, Centro de Estudos Sociais (Centre for Social Studies), Portugal


CIRAD, France


COCEDER, Confederación de Centros de Desarrollo Rural, Spain


COMPLEJO HOSPITALARIO VIRGEN DE LAS NIEVES DE GRANADA (Virgin of the Snows of Granda Hospital Complex ), Spain

CONFÉDÉRATION PAYSANNE (Peasants Confederation), France

COORDINATION SUD (South Coordination), France


COSPE, Italy








ESTUDIS D’HOTELERIA I TURISME CETT SA (Hotel and Turism Studies), Spain

ETSIAMN – Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering and Natural Habitats, Spain

F. ROCA, Spain

FEAGAS, Federacion Espanola de Asociaciones de Ganado Selecto (Spanish Association Federation), Spain


FIARE, Asociación FIARE Canarias (Canarias FIARE Association), Spain

FIARE, Asociación FIARE Castilla y León (Castilla and Leon FIARE Association), Spain

FIDA, Fédération Internationale de la Diaspora Afar (International Afar Diaspora Federation), Belgium

FLPS, Spain

FNCA, Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua (New Water Culture Foundation), Spain

FNH, Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l’Homme (Nicolas Hulot Foundation for Nature and Mankind), France

FONDATION ENSEMBLE (Ensemble Foundation), France

FOUNDACION LONXANET PARA LAPESCA SOSTENIBLE (Lonxanet Foundation for Sustainable Fisheries), Spain

FPS, FORESTE PER SEMPRE (Forests for Ever), Italy

FRESCO Y DEL MAR (Fresh and Sea), Spain

FUNDACION COMEDOR SALUDABLE (Foundation for Healthy Canteen), Spain

FUNDACION JOSE NAVARRO PARA EL FOMENTO DE LA ALIMENTACION INTELIGENTE (Jose Navarro Foundation for the Pormotion of Intelligent Feeding), Spain

FUNDACION MONTE MEDITERRANEO (Mediterranean Hill Foundation ), Spain

FUNDACIÓN NOVESSENDES DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA (Novessendes Foundation of the Community of Valencia ), Spain

FUNDACION TERVALIS (Tervalis Foundation), Spain


GRET, Groupe de Recherche et d’Échange Technologique (Technological research and exchange group), France

GRUPO DE ESTUDIOS CAMPESINOS JUAN DÍAZ DEL MORAL (Peasants Studies Group Juan Diaz del Moral), Spain


HORT DEL MANYANO (Garden of Locksmiths ), Spain




ICTA-UAB, Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals – Unviersitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology – Autonomous University of Barcelona), Spain

IEPALA, Instituto de Estudios Políticos Para América Latina, Asia y África (Institute of Political Studies for Latin America, Asia and Africa), Spain

IFOAM, International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, Germany

INSTITUTO ECOHABITAR (Ecohabitar Institute), Spain

IRCOD, Institut régional de coopération-développement (Regional Institute for Development Cooperation), France

JA, Jeunes Agriculteurs (Young farmers), France

LA NATURAL, Alimentacion, vida sana y consumo responsable SL., Spain

LA OLIVARDA, Associació Agroecològica per al desenvolupament i l’autoocupació sostenible (Agroecological association for sustainable development and self-employment), Spain


LE MONDE SELON LES FEMMES (World according to women), Belgium

LES NOUVEAUX TERRIENS (The New Earthling), France

Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind, (FPH) France

MAM, Mercado Agroecológico de Malasaña (Agroecological Market of Malasaña), Spain


NEXUS ER, Nexus Solidarietà Internazionale Emilia Romagna (Nexus International Solidarity Emilia Romagna), Italy

NFCFPA, National Federation of Communal Forests and Pastures of Albania, Albania


PARTI DE LA GAUCHE EUROPÉENE (European Left Party), Belgium

PG, Parti de Gauche (Left Party), France


PLATAFORMA POR UNOS COMEDEROS DE CALIDAD (Platform for Quality Canteens), Spain

PMA, Plataforma Madrid Agroecológico (Madrid Agroecological Platform), Spain

POUR UN AUTRE MONDE (Another World), France

RCS, Red Canaria de Semillas (Canarian Seeds Net), Spain


RESTAURANTE RURAL EL MORRAL DE LA OJINEGRA (Rural Restaurant of El Morral of Ojinegra), Spain



SCF, Scottish Crofting Federation (Scottish Crofting Federation), United Kingdom

SCIC 4 RIVES, France

SEAE, Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica (Spanish Society of Organic Farming), Spain


SHARED ASSETS, United Kingdom



SOLIDARITÉ Organisation de Solidarité International (SOLIDARITY International Solidarity Organisation), France



SPF, Secours Populaire Français (French Secours Populaire), France


SXA, Sembra Xarxa agroecològica (Sembra agro-ecological network), Spain

TANY – Collectif pour la Défense des Terres Malgaches (Malagasy Lands Defence Collective), France

TERO, Des professionnels engagés pour les territoires ruraux (Profesionals engaged in the rural land), France


TERRE DE LIENS (Land of links), France


UITC, Université Internationale Terre Citoyenne (International University Terre Citoyenne), France

UMOYA, Federacion de comites de solidaridad con africa negra (Solidarity Committees with Black Africa Federation), Spain


UPM-CEIGRAM, Centro de Estudios Gestión de Riesgos Agrarios y Medioambientales, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Management Studies Center of Agricultural and Environmental Risks, Polytechnic University of Madrid), Spain

WAHF, World Agricultural Heritage Foundation, Italy

WE EFFECT, Swedish Cooperative Centre, Sweden


AC, Acción Campesina (Peasent Action)


ADDAC, Asociacion para la Diversificacion y el Desarrollo Agricola Comunal (Association for Diversification and Agricultural Development), Nicaragua

ADEL, Asociación Casa del Agua (Water house association), Colombia

AFR, Architecture For Humanity, Mexico

AIQ, Asociación Integral Villa san Antonio de Qutapiqiña (United Association of Villa san Antonio de Qutapiqiña AIQ, Bolivia”

ALCALDIAS INDIGENAS PUEBLO IXIL (Indigeneous mayor’s offices_Ixil village), Guatemala

ALLPA, El Grupo ALLPA – Comunidades y Desarrollo (ALLPA Group, communities and development)

ALOP, Asociación Latino-Americana de Organizaciones de Promoción (Latin American Association for Development Promotion)

AMPROCUY, Associación de Maicira Productora de Cuy (Maicira Guinea Pig Producer Association), Colombia

ANEC, Asociación Nacional de Empresas Comercializadoras de Productores del Campo (National Association of Rural Commercialization Enterprises), Mexico

APROCOLP, Agremiación de Productores de Leche (Milk Producers Guild), Colombia

ASOCAMDY, Asociación Campesina de Yaramal (Yaramal Peasants Association), Colombia

ASOCIACIÓN NUEVA ESPERANZA (New Hope Association), Colombia

ASOCIACIÓN DE APOYO INTEGRAL A NIÑOS, JOVENES Y ADULTOS CON CAPACIDADES ESPECIALES (Association for Comprehensive Support to Diseabled Children, Youth and Adults), Colombia

ASOCIACIÓN INDIGENA AGROPECUARIA DE SILVIA, VALLE DEL CAUCA (Indigeneous Agricultural Association of Silvia, Cauca Valley), Colombia

ASOCIACIÓN INDIGENA RENOVANDO LO ANCESTRAL (Indigeneous Association for the Renewal of Ancestrality), Colombia

ASOCURY, Asociación Productora de Cuyes (Guinea Pig Breeders Association), Colombia

ASOFOPAZ, Asociación para el Fortalecimiento de la Paz y el Desarrollo (Association to Strengthening Peace and for Development), Colombia

ASOLECHE, Asociación de Pequeños Productores de Leche del Espino (Espino Small Milk Producers Association), Colombia

ASOPROLECHE, Asociación de productores de leche (Milk Producers Association), Colombia

ASOPUNAR, Asociación Productora de Cerdos de Pupiales (Pupiales Pig Breeders Association), Colombia

ASOQUINUA, Asociación Productora de Quinua (Qinua Producers Association), Colombia


ASSOCIACIÓN PARA LA PROMOCIÓN Y APOYO A NIŇOS Y JÓVENES EN SITUACIÓN DE CONFLICTO (Association for the Promotion and Support to Children and Youth in Contexts of Conflict), Colombia

AZAPA, Agrupación Rural Mujeres Afrodescendientes (Rural black women grouping daughters Azapa), Chile


CCDA, Comité Campesino del Altipiano (Peasent Comité of Altiplano)

CCSC, Consejo Consultivo de la Sociedad Civil de Argentina- Comisión de seguridad y soberania alimentaria – (Argentinian Civil Society Advisory Council – Committee on food security and sovereignty), Argentina

CDS COLOMBIA, Corporacion Desarollo Solidario (Solidarity development), Colombia

CEPES, Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (Peruvian Center for Social Studies), Peru

CINEP, Centro de Investigacion y Educacion Popular (Popular education and research center), Colombia

CIPCA , Centro de Investigacion y Promocion del Campesinado – Cochabamba (Center for small farmers study and promotion), Bolivia

CIPCA Region Cochabamba, Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (Center for Small Farmer Research and Promotion), Bolivia

CISEPA-PUCP, Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Económicas, Políticas y Antropológicas (Centre for Sociological Research , Economics, Political and Anthropological)

CMA, Asociación para el Desarollo de las Mujeres Negras Costarricenses (Association for the Development of Black Costa Rican Women), Costa Rica

CNULM, The Caribbean Network for Urban and Land Management

COCOCH, Consejo Coordinador de Organizaciones Campesinas de Honduras (Coordinating Council of Peasant Organizations of Honduras), Honduras

CODECA, Comité de Desarrollo Campesino (Peasent Development Committee)

COMUNIDAD CARIMAN SANCHEZ (Community of Cariman Sanchez), Chile

CONGCOOP, Coordinación de Ongs y Cooperativas (Coordination of NGOs and Cooperatives), Guatemala

CONTAG, Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura (National Federation of Agricultural Workers), Brazil

CONVEAGRO, Convención Nacional de Agro Peruano (National Convention of Agro-Peru)

COPROFAM, Coordinadora de Organizaciones de productores Familiares del Mercosur (Coordination of Family Farms of Mercosur), South America

DEDISE, Colombia

DEFENSA CIVIL COLOMBIANA, JUNTA DE PUPIALES (Colombian Civil Protection, Committee of Pupiales Municipality), Colombia

ECOLEX, Corporacion de Gestion y Derecho Ambiental  (Management Corporation and Environmental Law), Ecuador

FECAPER Limitada, Federación de Cooperativas de Agua Potable de Entre Ríos Limitada (Federation of Drinking Water Cooperatives of Entre Rios Limitada), Argentina

FEDEAGROPC, Federación de Asociaciones Campesinas e indígenas Córdoba (Cordoba Federation of Peasants and Indigineous People Associations), Colombia


FENACOP, Federación Nacional de Cooperativas Agropecuarias y Agroindustriales R.L (National Agricultural Cooperative Federation and Agro Industrial RL)

FEPP, Fondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progressio (Ecuadorian documentary Populorum Progessio), Ecuador

FUNDACIÓN GUILLERMO TORIELLO, (Guillermo Toriello Foundatión), Guatemala

FUNDACIÓN MUNDO MEJOR (Better World Foundation), Colombia


FUNDACIÓN SEMILLAS DE VIDA (Seeds of Live Foundation), Mexico

FUNDACION TIERRA (Earth Foundation)

FUNDAPAZ, Fundación para el Desarrollo en Justicia y Paz (Development Fondation for justice and peace)

FUNDASOP, Fundación Social Parroquial (Social Parochial Foundation), Colombia

FUNDE, Fundación Nacional para el Desarrollo (National Foundation for Development), Salvador

FUNDECOIN, Fundacion para el Desarrollo Integral y la Cooperacion Internacional de Colombia (Foundation for the Comprehensive Development and the International Cooperation of Colombia), Colombia

IAD, Instituto Agrario Dominicano (Dominican Agrarian Institute), Dominican Republic

IBC, Instituto del Bien Común (Commons Institute), Peru

INCEDES, Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Sociales y Desarrollo (Centroamerican Institute for Social Studies and Development), Guatemala

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA AGROPECUARIA JOSÉ MARIA HERNÁNDEZ (José Maria Hernández Institution for Agricultural Education), Colombia

IPDRS, Instituto Para el Desarrollo Rural de Sudamérica (Institute for Rural Development in South America), Bolivia

MADRECRIA, Asociacion Madre Cria (Mother Breeding Association), El Salvador

MINKA PERU APDH, Asociacion Pro-desarrollo Humano (Pro human Development Association – MINKA PERU), Peru

MOOIP, Movement for Open and Inclusive Peasantry, Haiti

NEEPA, Brasil

NITLAPAN, Nicaragua

OBSAN, Observatorio de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Observatory of Food and Nutrition Security of the National University of Colombia), Colombia

OBSERVATORIO DEL SUR (South observatory), Argentina


PROCASUR, Corporacion Procasur (Procasur Corporation), Chile


QOPIWINI, Argentina

RED DE MUJERES RURALES ARICA (Rural Women Network), Chile

RED MOCAF, Red Mexicana de Organizaciones Campesinas Forestales A. C. (Mexican Network of Forestry Campesinos Organizations), Mexico

REDES CHACO, Argentina

SAJ, Stratégies-Action-Jeunesse (Strategies-Action-Youth), Haiti

SER, Asociación Servicios Educativos Rurales

SIPAE, Corporación Sistema de Investigación sobre la Problemática Agraria en el Ecuador, Ecuador

SOCLA, Sociedad Latinoamericana de Agroecología (Latin American Scientific Society for Agroecology), Colombia

SUPERCUY ASOCIACIÓN (Supercuy Association), Colombia

UACh, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (Autonomous University Chapingo), Mexico

UAPA, Unión Argentina de Pescadores Artesanales (Argentine Union of Artisanal Fishermen), Argentina

UCCS, Unión de Científicos Comprometidos con la Sociedad (Union of Scientists Committed to Society), Mexico

UINL, Union Internacional del Notariado Latino (International Union of Latin Notaries)

UJB, Departamento de Desarrollo Rural y REgional, Facultad de Estudios Ambientales y Rurales, de la Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá (ural and Regional Department , Faculty of Environmental Studies and Rural Development, Javeriana University in Bogota), Colombia

UMCAH, Unión de Mujeres Campesinas Hondureñas, Honduras

de Cooperativas e Empreendimentos Solidários do Brasil - UNISOL
Brasil (Central of Cooperatives and Solidarity Enterprises of Brazil
- UNISOL Brazil), Brazil

UTZ CHE’, Asociacion de Foresteria Comunitaria de Guatemala (Community Forestry Association), Guatemala

UVOC, Unión Verapacense de Organizaciones Campesinas (Verapaz Union of Farmers)

WF&E FOUNDATION, Water Food & Energy Foundation, Colombia


AGRARIAN TRUST – Land access for next generation farmers, United Sates of America

CSA, Coalition pour la Souveraineté Alimentaire (Coalition for Food Sovereignty), Quebec, Canada

GREENHORNS, United Sates of America

LAND FOR GOOD, United Sates of America

NAMATI, Innovations in legal empowerment, United Sates of America


NOFA-NY, Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York, United States of America

OAKLAND INSTITUTE, United Sates of America

PROTEC-TERRE (Protec-Land), Canada

RAFI USA, Rural Advancement Foundation International, United Sates of America


SAGE, Sustainable Agriculture Education, United Sates of America

TERRE LIBRE, Free Land, Canada

    1. OCEANIA (1)

BRG, Bismarck Ramu Group (Bismarck Ramu Group), Papua New Guinea

    1. GLOBAL (29)

CTFD, Comité Technique « Foncier et Développement » (Land and Development Technical Committee), France


GSF, Géomètres Sans Frontières (Surveyors Without Boarders), France


CDE, Centre for Development and Environment

CIRAD, Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche pour le Développement (Centre for International Cooperation in Research and Development)


GLTN, Global Land Tool Network

HIC, Habitat International Coalition

HELVETAS, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation


IALTA, International Alliance on Land Tenure and Administration

IIED, International Institute of Environment and Development

IUF, International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers Associations

IWGIA, International Work Group Indigenous Affairs

IWMI, International Water Management Institute

NATURAL JUSTICE, Natural Justice: Lawyers for Communities and the Environment




SONIA, Society for New Initiatives and Activities for a Just New World



TWA, Transborder Wildlife Association

WFF, World Forum of fish harvesters and fish workers, Uganda

WRF, World Rural Forum, Spain

WRI, World Resources Institute

WWF, World Wildlife Fund- US

FPP, Forest People Program, United Kingdom


    1. AFRICA (182)

ADAMOU, Mahaman (Land Technical Assistant, Niger)

ADHIAMBO, Eunice (Ujamaa Center, Kenya)

ADIB, Abdesselam (University researcher, trade unionist, Marocco)

AGBOSSOUTO, Boris (Benin)

AHMED ALI, Abdelmalek (Director of the Land and Heritages Protection Organization – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Algeria)

AKESBI, Najib (Professor, Agronomics and Veterinary Institute of Rabat, Marocco)

AL ABSI, Nadhir (AREA-Yemen, Yemen)

ALDEN WILY, Liz (International land tenure specialist, Kenya)

ALFONSO GOMEZ, Carlos (CERAI, Canary Islands)

ANDRIAMISANDRATSOA, Nancy Rambao (Fields and Land property inspector, PhD student in social studies, Madagascar)

AYEDEGUE, Lionel (Ministère de l’agriculture de l’elevage et de la peche (MAEP), Benin)

AYOSSO, Juvencio (Benin)

BA, Elhadj Mamadou (President of the Mauritanian Association for the Self Development, AMAD, Mauritania)

BAFUNYEMBAKA KASANANI, Jérémie (Freelance consultant in rural development, Democratic Republic of the Congo)

BAGBILA, Adrien Joanny (Rural security land Officer, Burkina Faso)

BAKANOVA, Dieudonné Bahemuka (CENADEP, Senegal – Democratic Republic of Congo)


BATIONO, Bcequet Polycarpe (Direction Générale du Foncier de la Formation et de l’Organisation du Monde Rural, Burkina Faso)

BAZAME, Rodrigue (Master student in development of real properties, Burkina Faso)

BEL MOKHTAR, Siham (Agronomist, Morocco)

BEMBELLO, Fatoumata Agnes (Women’s Network for Peace, REFEPA-Niger, and the African Link for Peace and Development, MAPADEV, Niger)

BEN EL MAATI, Abdelkader (Researcher in development, Morocco)

BEN SAAD, Abdallah (Academic in charge of land issues at the National Institute of Agronomic Research of Tunisia, Tunisia)

BINELLI, Stanislas (INADES Formation, Cameroon)

BIRBA, Mamoudou (PhD Student, Burkina Faso)

BITIBAYA, Koffi Kougnohoè (Research Officer, Ministry of Environment and Forest ressources, Togo)

BOUBACAR, Boureima Mamane (Development Actor, Niger)

BOUCHAIB, Faouzi (Bida 1 University, Algeria)

BOUMBÉ, Gel (Republic Democratic of Congo)

BOUYO KWIN, Jim Narem (Researcher and Professor, University of N’Djamena, Chad)

BYAMMONYI, Freddy (Ecumenical Forum for the Youth of Burundi, Burundi)


CHAOUCH, Karim (Tunisia)

CISSE, Mamadi Fatoumata (Save Guinea Environment, SEG, Guinea)


CISSOKHO, Mamadou (Honorary President of the Network of Farmers and Agricultural Producers Organisations of West Africa, ROPPA, Senegal)

COULIBALY, Ibrahima (President of the National Coordination of Peasant Organizations of Mali, CNOP, and FAO Special Ambassador for the International Year of Family Farming 2014, Mali)

DANIEL, Kabore (GRAD Consulting Group, Burkina Faso)

DHELO SHAKPA, John Hervé (Middle Manager for Land Administration, Democratic Republic of the Congo)

DIAGNE, Daouda (Rural sociologist, Senegal)

DIAKITE, Abdoulaye (Agronomist, ADRA – MALI, Mali)

DIALLO, Mamadou Falilou (Sociologist, Guinea)

DIALLO, Souleymane Séoudé (Forest and water Engineer, Project Manager of ADECOMA, Guinea)

DIAR, Oumar (Tchad)

DIATTA, Ibrahima (Geographer , Senegal)

DIAW, Cheikh (Programme officer of Childhood and Peace NGO, Senegal)

DIEME, Idrissa L. (Assane SECK University of Ziguinchor, UASZ, Senegal)

DJOMAKON, Ariel (Youth Partnership and Agricultural Development Organization, YPADONG, Benin)

DOAMBA , Talato Ablasseé (National Union of Farmers from Burkina Faso, SYNAB, Burkina Faso)

DOUANDJI TCHOUPOU, Aurélien (Student at Environment Department of Senghor Alexandria University, Egypte)

DOUMBOUYA, Sidiki (Guinea)

EL KABIR, El Miloudi (Human rights activist, Marocco)

ELLOUMI, Mohamed (Researcher, National Agricultural Research Institute of Tunisia, INRAT, Tunisia)

ENOUMBA, Henri-Claude (Mining and Petroleum General engineer, Niger Basin Authority, Niger)

ERRAHJ, Mostafa (Morocco)

ETSE, Kokou Mensah (Operations Engineer, agricultural engineering, Director general of General Research and Land Use PlaningCie, SEGAT, Togo)

FAYE, Iba Mar (Sociologue, chargé de mission agriculture familiale et foncier à l’ONG Gret, Senegal)

FEBVAY CHAOUCH, Sarfeb (Tunisia)

FOFANA, Diafara Sadikhou (CPJK, Senegal)

FURAHA, Germaine (Researcher and Professor in Rural Economy, Evangelic University in Africa, UEA-Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo)

GAUDENS, Kablan (Project assistant, Ivory Coast)

GNOKHOBAYE, Diouf (Senegal)

HABOU, Mamane Hamidou (Studies on rural land , Niger)

HALILOU, Amadou (President of the Network of Pastors and breeders Organizations of Niger – Country branch of Bilital Maroobe Network, ROPEN, Niger)

HESSANA, Ahmat (Member of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA, Cameroon)

HOUSSOU-GOE, Septime (Rural development actor, Agronomist, Benin)

IBRAHIM, El Kaka (Agronomist, Niger)

IKKACHE, Belkheir (Algeria)

IKOPI MOLEKO, Gabriel Marcel (Democratic Republic of Congo)

ILLIA, Aminou (Technician, Network of Pastors and breeders Organizations of Niger – Country branch of Bilital Maroobe Network, ROPEN, Niger)

IMANI MASUMBUKO, Olive (Democratic Republic of Congo)

KA, Ibrahima (Researcher, Senegal)

KABURA, Jean (Socio-economist, Land tenure consultant, ADES, Burundi)

KABURA, Jean-Louis (Land Expert, Burundi)

KAFANDO BOUDA , Isabelle (National Union of Farmers from Burkina Faso, SYNAB, Burkina Faso)

KAKULE THASI, Chadrack (Master of ULPGL Goma, Republic Democratic of Congo)

KALMONGO, Regis Antoine (Rural Development Engineer, Burkina Faso)

KANOUTE, Mohamadou (Land Issues Expert, Senegal)

KISSANA, Patrick (RMIOC, Cameroon)

KOMAN, Franck (Young Researchers in Land Issues Network)

KOMPAORE, Sidzabda (Burkina Faso)

KOSSADOUM , Jécolia Jennifer (Norwegian council for refugees, Central African Republic)

KOUAMELAN, Ahoulou Josepth (Land Surveyor, Cote d’Ivoire)

KOUCHEMIN, Yêdafou (Afrique Performance, Benin)

KYEI BEDIAKO, Ebenezer (Ag. National Coordinator, Ghana)

LAMAH, Souo Emmanuel (Social Economist and environmental Development Action, ADES, Guinea)

LIKILO BOSONGOSONGO, Jean Luc (Democratic Republic of Congo)

LO, Mor (Senegal)

LOWUYA, Jules (University of the River, Democratic Republic of Congo)

MAGNON, Yves (Researcher and Professor, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin)

MAHDI, Mohamed (Marocco)

MAMADOU, Ibrahim (University of Zinder, Niger)

MAMALO, Abdoul Karim (Former Permanent Secretary of the Rural Code of Niger, Niger)

MANDEF, Flavien (Senegal)

MANGANI MUNZINGA, Rémy (Assistant to the program NGO RCF, Democratic Republic of Congo)

MAPENDANO, Wiganda (ASMADE, Democratic Republic of Congo)

MAPENDO, Michel (United Nations Agency, Democratic Republic of Congo)

MARJANI, Faiçal (Founding President, Morocco)

MATMATI, Soumaya

MATONDO LUMINUKU, Gérard (PhD, Democratic Republic of the Congo)


MBAYAHI KAVIRA, Marie-antoinette (General Secretary for Rural Development, Democratic Republic of Congo)

MBANGO, Timothée Gérard

MBAZUMUTIMA, Eloi (Burundi)

MBENG, Calixte (Network of Alumni in Tropical Animal Health and Production, RIPROSAT, Gabon)

MBODJ, Abi (Senegal)

MBUYI, Belhar (Conseiller chargé de la Planification Cabinet du Ministre du Développement Rural, Republic Democratic of Congo)

MESSAOUDI, Aziz (Researcher, Professor, Faculty of Sciences and Technics of Mohammedi, member of the executive board of Transparency International, Marocco)

MINGAR, Monodji (Chad)

MLAN, Konan Séverin (Researcher and Professor, Social anthropologist, JERFRI, Ivory Coast)

MOUKALA, Maurice Innicents (Social mediator in situation of land grabbing and private property titles acquisition in Yaounde and rural areas of Mbam and Kim, Cameroon)

MOULAI, Adel (Algeria)

MOUMOUNI, Souleymane (Youth Actions Economic and Social Development, Niger)

MOUNKAILA, Aichatou (President of Larassu, land tenure, gender and CSER expert, Niger)

MOUSSA IDE , Almoustapha (Farmer Alliance / Allliance paysanne, Niger)

MOUSSAOUI, Mohamed (Independant researcher, agricultural and rural development, social activist, Marocco)

MOUTONI ADINÉ, Luc (Cameroon)

MRAD, Aymen (Coordinator of the mobilization Committee WSF 2015, member of the social dynamics of young Tunisians, Tunisia)

MUHIMA, Me Rubin (Save Communities in Conflicts, SCC, Democratic Republic of Congo)

MUSSE AHMED, Sadia (Pastoral and Environmental Network in the Horn of Africa, PENHA, Somaliland / Somalia)

MWANAMBUKA, Bertin (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

MWISHA, Dieumerci (Democratic Republic of Congo)


NADAOGO, Nakanabo Pascal (Land Governance Research and Assistance Group, Burkina Faso)

NAÎLI, Mohamed (Master degree, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier, Algeria)

NDIAYE, Amodou (Senegal)

NDYANE, Seydou (African Network on the Right to Food, RAPDA, Senegal)

NGAKEU, Mba Limbingo (Coordinator of the Committee for Integrated development of Grass-roots Communities, CODICOM, Central African Republic)

NGUIFFO, Samuel (General Secretary of the Center for the Environment and for Development, Cameroon)

NIANG, Ibrahima (Civil Society Organizations Network for Food Security Monitoring, ROSA, Mauritania)

NOUTSA NOUMBO, Ajangson (PhD student and Researcher, Cameroon)

NZABANDORA NTASI, Marc (Lest Build Engineering / Bâtissons le Génie, BG Plant, Democratic Republic of Congo)

OLOUNLADE, Ambaliou (Executive Director of the International Action Group for Sustainable Development-GAI2D, Benin)

ONIMBEN LOUMOU, Narcisse Noël (Independent african researcher on african issues and on development policies in Africa, Cameroon)


OUABOUCH, Hassan (Profesor and researcher, Morocco)

OUATTARA, Abou (National Union of Farmers from Burkina Faso, SYNAB, Burkina Faso)

OUEDRAOGO, Chantal Marie Rachelle (Women 2000 Association, National Union of Farmers from Burkina Faso, SYNAB, Burkina Faso)

OUEDRAOGO, G. Adama (National Union of Farmers from Burkina Faso, SYNAB, Burkina Faso)

OUEDRAOGO, Soumaila (Nazemsé group of Ouahigouya, National Union of Farmers from Burkina Faso, SYNAB, Burkina Faso)

OUEDRAOGO, Z. Marcel (Manager of the Agropastoral component of Islands of Peace Project, FADA NGO, Burkina Faso)

OUSSEINI, Hamadou (Agronomist Engineer, Animal Production and Sustainable Development, PADD, Niger)

PACHECO, Fernando (Political and Social Observatory of Angola, Angola)

PALEBELE, Kolyang (President of the National Council for the Concertation of Rural Producers of Chad, CNCPRT, Vice-President of the Sub-Regional Platform of Peasant Organizations of Central Africa, PROPAC, Chad)

PERO, Gabrielle (Governance and democracy CENADEP project manager, , Democratic Republic of Congo)

PUEPI, Bernard (Land surveyors experts, Cameroon)


RANDRIANARIVO, Harimanga Abel (Madagascar)

RHOUSSEINI, Saleck (Agronomist, Burkina Faso)

SAIDI, Hayet (Algeria)

SALL, Thierno (Enda Pronat, Senegal)

SALLA, Mamadou (Senegal)

SAMI, Zoubir (Algeria)

SANNI, Machioudou (Benin)

SARR, Farba (Senegal)

SARR, Mamadou Moctar (Civil Society Organizations Network for Food Security Monitoring, ROSA, Mauritania)

SAWADOGO, Nebnoma (Profesional peasants federeration, FEPAB, Burkina Faso)

SENTEZA, Lilian (Uganda)

SERRA, Carlos (Professor, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique)

SININI, Amel (Tunisia)

SISSAO , Stéphanie Anita (National Union of Farmers from Burkina Faso and UPAO, Burkina Faso)

SODJINOU, Komlan (Togo)

SONKOUE WATIO, Michelle (Land Tenure Sustainable Agriculture program Officer, Cameroon)

SOUMAILA, Louali (Water and Forest Inspector, environmentalist, Project coordinator, Caritas Developpement, Niger)

SUÁREZ GARCÍA, Adai (Small-scale farmer, Canary Islands)

SULIEMAN, Hassan (International Remittance Manager, ZAAD Services, Telesom Company, Somaliland)

TAJOURI, Habib (Rural Sociologist, Tunisia)

TELOU, Babanam Yaovi (AIBP, Togo)

THIAM, Habibatou Ibrahima (Student, Economics and Agriculture Policy, Burkina Faso / Senegal)

THIAM-TRAORÉ, Djénébou (1949, Ivory Coast)

TINGIRTU GEBRETSADIK, Tekle (Jigjiga University, Ethiopia)

TOURE, Nouredine Zakaria (President of the Regional Coordination of the Users of the Niger Basin natural ressources, CRUBN, Mali)

TOURÉ, Moussa Etienne (Researcher, Studies and Research Group in Sociology and Applied Law, GERSDA, Mali)

TRAORE, Francois (National Union of Farmers from Burkina Faso, SYNAB, and Mutual Burkinabe Health, Burkina Faso)

VANDI, Faché (Cameroon)

WETE SOH, Laurence (Project manager, Cameroon)

WITHANENE, Jean Paul (Agrarian reform and rural development expert at National Center for Integrated Rural development, Land Security Divisionof Ministry of Rural Development., Democratic Republic of Congo)

WOUNA, Enock Lucien (Executive Secretary of Interdisciplinary Development Research Group, GRID, Center for Research and Studies in Sciences and Technics, CREST, Cameroon)

YEBOAH, Eric (PhD, Lecturer/Researcher, Ghana)

ZAMTAKO, Assita (National Union of Farmers from Burkina Faso, SYNAB, and Mutual Burkinabe Health, Burkina Faso)

ZONIWA, Jean-Pierre (Agriculture and Waste Management, ADESHPA, Central African Republic)

ZOUNON, Cosme Lucien (Director of Zestful Development Services, ZDES, Benin)

    1. ASIA (16)

BADRIPOUR, Hossein (Socio-economic specialist of natural resources management – Forest, Rangeland and Watershed Management Organization, Iran)

BISHWAKARMA, Anupkamal (Dalit Welfare Association (DWA), Nepal)

BRUN, Jean-Marie (Cambodia)


DAO, The Anh (Research Director, Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Vietnam)

DUMAOANG, Artemio (Philippines)

DIEPART, Jean-Christophe (Research and Teaching Fellow, Agro-Bio-Tech, University of Liège, Cambodia)

DUMAOANG, Artemio (Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer, Philippines)


K PARTHASARATHY , Soma (Coordinator, Collective for Action and Knowledge for Women’s Land and livelihoods rights, CAWL Rights, India)

KOOHAFKAN, Parviz (President of the World Agricultural Heritage Foundation, Iran)


NEPALI, Purna Bahadur (Ph.D. land reform, livelihood and social conflict in Nepal, founder and former executive director of COLARP-Consortium for Land Research and Policy Dialogue, Nepal)

OH, Hyunseok (President of Terrami Rural Development Institute, South corea)

RAI, VIjay (Program Manager, India)

RAZZAK, Dr Mohammed Abdur (Government of Bangladesh, Bangladesh)

    1. EUROPE (311)

ABASCAL, Gabriel (CERAI, Spain)

ABIS, Sébastien (Administrator of the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, CIHEAM, France)

ADAMS, Martin (Mokoro, United Kingdom)

AGUILERA KLINK, Federico (Professor, University of San Fernando de La Laguna, Spain)

AL LAL, Nordin (Spain)

ALCONCHEL, Pablo (Coordinator and Representative, Spain)

AMIN, Samir (World Forum for Alternatives, France/ Egypt)

ANDREW, Nancy (Development sociologist. Associated researcher « Africas in the world », University of political science of Bordeaux, France)

ANTEQUERA BALAGUER, Begoña (Hort del Manyano Association, Spain)

ANTHOPOULOU, Theodosia (Professor, Panteion University – Athens, Greece)

AOULI, Oria (France)

APONTE, Inez (Growing Good Lives, United Kingdom)

ARBENZ, Markus (Director of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, IFOAM, Switzerland)

ARIAL, Anni (Postgraduate researcher, France)

ARNALTE, Eladio (Professor, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain)

ARROJO, Pedro (Professor Emeritus, Economical Analysis Department, University of Zaragoza, Spain)

ARSOVA, Irina (Bulgary)

AUDERAU, Claire (France)

AUROI, Danielle (Ecologist MP (Puy-de-Dôme) and President of the Commission for European Affairs Committee , France )

AZAHARA, Gallego Blanco (Spain)

AZCONA, Maria Jose (Committees of solidarity with black Africa Federation, UMOYA, Spain)

BA , Monica (Spain)

BACHILLER MATARRANZ, Alejandro (Engineering without borders-ISF, Spain)

BARAT, Xavier (Consultant-Trainer in agroecology, France)

BARRIERE, Olivier (France)

BASTIAENSEN, Johan (Professor, Institute of Development Policy and Management (IOB), University of Antwerp, Belgium)

BATHFIELD, Benjamin (France)

BAZIN, Gilles (France)



BESADA ÁLVAREZ, Marcos (Agroecological Zone – A Estruga, Spain)

BIAGINI, Yumi (Master Student in Rural Development, France)

BIETA, Eugène (France)

BLIECK, Nejma (Ethnoenvironnementaliste, Belgium)

BONNAMOUR, Luc (Volunteer Consultant, France)

BOONE, Catherine (Professor, London School of Economics, United Kingdom)

BORRESCIO, Catherine (CERAI, France)

BOTELLA-RODRÍGUEZ, Elisa (PhD Assistant Professor, Spain)

BOULLOT, Audrey (France)

BOUNIOL, Judith (France)

BOUTROU, Jean-Jacques (TERO Profesionals engaged in the rural land, France)

BOVÉ, José (Member of the European Parliament, France)

BRAUNSTEFFER, Aline (Georgia)

BRAUNSTEFFER, Olivier (Director of Ensemble Foundation, France)

Sabina (Director of NEXUS Emilia Romagna, Spain)

BRINES, Rosa (Journalist, Spain)

BUHLER, Eve Anne (Geographiste – Professor university, France)

BUISSON, Michel (Agroéconomiste, membre de la Commission Agriculture d’ATTAC France, France)

CAMPOS, Francisco (CEO and founder, Spain)

CANALI, Massimo (Researcher, University of Bologna, Italy)

CARUCCI, Piergiuseppe (CERAI, Italy)


CERCLEY, Claude (France)

CHAPINAL AGUDO, Victor (Spain)

CHAUVEAU, Jean-Pierre (Emeritus Research Director of Research Institute for Development, IRD, France)

CHAZOTTE, Gisele (Belgium)

CHOPLIN, Gérard (Free-lance expert, former coordinator of European Farmers Coordination Via Campesina, France)

CLAVERO, Elena (Spain)

CLAVREUL, Raymond (France)

CLIMENT DE LA HERA, Celia (Head of Medias at CERAI, Spain)

COCHET, Hubert (Professor, AgrosParisTech, France)

CODERCH, Isabel (Spain)

COINARD, Elisabeth (France)

COLIN, Jean-Philippe (France)

CORTES, Genevieve (France)

COUDERC, Vincent (Agronomist, France)

CRESTIN-BILLET, Sarah (France)

CUNAT, Chantal (France)

CUSSON, Bertrand (France)

DALMAU, Carme (Ecological farmer at CERESCAT, Spain)

DARPHIN, Laura (Cooperation officer at CERAI, Spain)

DE ALBUQUERQUE, Catarina (United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to safe drinking Water and Sanitation, Portugal)

DE BARROS, Gwendoline (Terre de Liens , France)

DE CASTELBAJAC, Axelle (France)

DE DRIÉSEN, Nathalie (France)

DE JACQUELOT, Florian (France)


DE MARCO, Maria (Regional Center of Intervention for the Cooperation, CRIC, Italy)

DE MIGUEL, Irene (Member of Extremadura Regional Parliament, Spain)


DE SCHUTTER, Olivier (United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food 2008 – 2014, Belgium)

DECAMP, Linstit (Professor of schools at National Education , France)

DEHAYE, Frédérique (World citizen, Belgium)

DEL ARCO, Lis (Science and Tec Food, Spain)

DESFILHES, Jean Marc (France)

DÉSIR, Tania (France)

DEVE, Frédéric (France)

DEVIENNE, Sophie (Lecturer, AgroParisTech, France)


DIDERON, Sylvie (Agro-economist, France)


DIRHEIMER, Julie (Coordinatrice de projets dans l’humanitaire, France)

DOIGNIES, Sandra (France)

DOLIGEZ, François (Agro-economist, IRAM, France)


DRISSI, Siham (Consultant at FAO, France)

DUCOURTIEUX, Olivier (AgroParisTech, France)

DUFUMIER, Marc (Emeritus Professor, AgroParisTech, France)

DULCIRE, Michel (France)

DUMITRESCU, Flavia (Food Industry Researcher , Romania)

DUPRET, François-Xavier (Germany)

EGIO ARTAL, Carolina (Spain)

EJARQUE TOLEDANO, Maria Coral (Spain)

ERREA, Pilar (Fuit Farming Researcher, Spain)

ESCRICHE, Pedro J. (President of the International Agriculture and Rural Studies Center, CERAI, Spain)

ESCUDERO, Luis (Spain)

ESQUER TOMAS, Pilar (Nutritionist, Spain)

ESQUINAS, Jose (Spain)

FADON JUNYENT, Beatriz (Cofounder, Spain)

FAULIAU, Christian (Independant consultant, France)

FAUTRAS, Mathilde (Geographer , France)

FIGECZKY, Gabor (Advocacy Manager, IFOAM, Germany)

FRANCKEL, Aurélien

GALPIN, Claire (France)

GARCÉS, Vicente (Former Member of the European Parliament, CERAI, Spain)

GARCIA, Axelle (CERAI, Spain)

GARCÍA, Mª del Mar (Spain)

GARCIA ALLUT, Antonio (Director, Spain)

GARCIA BREA, Arantxa (CERAI, Spain)

GARCÍA GARCÍA, Lidia (Spain)

GARCIA, Lorena (Spain)

GARCIA SASTRE, Almudena (PhD student, Spain)

GASSELIN, Pierre (France)

GAUTIER, Anne (Agronomist, Ministry of Agriculture, Agrofood and Forestry of France, France)

GAUTREAU, Pierre (Professor Geography Conference Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, France)

GEORGE, Susan (President of the Transnational Institute)

GERMAN BES, Concepcion (Health Sciences, Spain)

GICQUAUD, Benjamin (France)

GIL, Carlos (Spain)

GOMEZ SANCHEZ, Cristina (Spain)

GONDA, Noemi (Doctoral candidate, researcher, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, Hungary)

GONZÁLEZ DE MOLINA, Manuel (Professor, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain)

GONZALEZ GARCIA, Blanca (Biologist, Spain)

GOUJON, Simone (Retired, France)

GOVERDE, Margaret (Member of Platform Aarde Boer Consument, The Netherlands)

GREENFIELD, Harry (United Kingdom)

GREGOIRE, Anne Elisse (France)

GROPPO, Paolo (Italy)

GUETAT, Helene (Professor in rural sociology at the National Teacher Training School in Agronomy, ENFA, France)

HAMMOUCHE, Sonia (France)

HANNAY, Rachael (United Kingdom)

HAYES, Sarah (PhD Student in International Law, University of Strasbourg, France)

HEDOUIN, Christelle (Student of doctoral in geography, France)

HENRIQUES, Júlio (Portugal)

HERNANDEZ, Jorge Andres (Respectively President and General Manager, Spain)

HERNANDEZ, Paola (Scince and Tec. Food, Spain)

HERNANDEZ BOLIVAR, Maria Elena (España/Venezuela)


HERNÁNDEZ PUIG, Santiago (Spain)

HESS, Regula (France)

HOUTART, François (Professor Emeritus, Catholic University of Louvain la Neuve, Founder of the Centre Tri-continental, CETRI, Belgium)

HULOT, Nicolas (Nicolas Hulot Foundation for Nature and Mankind, France)

JAHEL, Camille (Agronomist, France)

JAIZME, María del Carmen (Canarian Institute for Agrarian Investigations, ICIA, Spain)

JARA, Ara (Spain)

JARDINET, Sylvanie (France)

JOUVE, Anne-Marie (Montpellier Pole of research on Land Issues, France)

KANE, Khady (PhD student , France)

KETEL, Hermen (France)

KOUTSOU, Stavriani (Associate professor, Technological Educational Institut of Thessaloniki, Greece)

KUENZLER, Roman (Switzerland)

LAGASSE, Elisabeth (Belgium)


LAGUNA, Cristina (Spain)

LAMBERT, Carole (Agriculture training officer, France)

LANDOLT, Sabrina (France)

LAURA, Silva-Castañeda (Researcher, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium)

LAURENT, Camille (Friends of the Earth Argentina, France)

LAVIGNE DELVILLE, Philippe (Social anthropologist, researcher of Research Institute for Development, IRD, France)

LE ROY, Etienne (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, France)

LEBAR, Pierre (France)

LECOMPTE, Benoit (GRAD-S, Switzerland)

LEMOISSON, Philippe (France)

LEONARD, Eric (French Research Institute for Development, IRD, France)

LERAS, Gérard (Elected regional representative, Land Policy Special Councillor, Regional Council of Rhône-Alpes, France)

LESHEM, Tal (United Kingdom)

LEVARD, Laurent (Agronomist, France)

LEVESQUE, Robert (France)

LLERINS BONET, Ricard (Spain)

LLOPIS CANO, Joan Pasqual (Spain)

LÓPEZ LÓPEZ, Damián (Spain)

LOYAT, Jacques (Agronomist, associated researcher at CIRAD, France)

LUNA, Carlos (Spain)

MACE, Françoise (France)

MALIGNE, Catherine (France)

MANCINI, Alfredo (Farmer, Italy)


MARTIN, Javier (Spain)

MARTIN, Théo (Student agronomist, Institut des Régions Chaudes, France)

MARTIN CARREÑO, Gerardo Ezequiel (Student and activist, Spain)

MARTINEZ, Eva (Spain)

MARZAL LÓPEZ, Jessica (Student, Spain)

MASIALA BODE, Mabu (Belgium)

MATA RABASA, Francisco (Spain)

MAUBOURGUET, Sylvie (Project manager, France)

MAZOYER, Marcel (Emeritus Professor, AgroParisTech, France)

MEI, Giorgia (PhD, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy)

MELENCHON, Jean-Luc (Member of the European Parliament, France)

MELENDEZ MARFIL , Esperanza (Member of the Garden of Manyano, Spain)

MELICZEK, Hans (Chairman of the International Society for Sustainable Development and Agriculture, Göttingen, Germany)

MELLAC, Marie (The National Center for Scientific Research, France)

MENA MARTIN, Francisco Javier (Member of Board, FIARE Castilla y León, Spain)

MERGEAI, Guy (Belgium)

MERLET, Michel (General Director of AGTER, France)

MILLOGO, Ismaël (Director, France)

MOITY MAIZI, Pascale (France)

MOLINARI ATIENZA, Anahi (Graduate in Environmental Science, Spain)

MORA URBANO, Aurora (Activitist at the United Left of the Valentian County , Spain)

MORAN FUERTES, Marcos (Spain)

MOREL DARLEUX, Corinne (Regional Advisor, France)

MORENO, Domingo (Film Producer, Spain)

MORENO TORREGROSA, Pascuale (President of Promoting Committee of the International University Sustainable Earth, UiTC, Spain)

MOUIHI, Marie (Student, Agrocampus Ouest, France, France)

MULLEBROUCK, Thérèse (Germany)

MULLER, Alexander (Secretary General of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, IASS Potsdam, and member of the Council for Sustainable Development, Germany)

MUNOZ RICO, Andrés (Responsible Agrocecological Canteen, Spain)

MUNTING, Monique (Researcher, Documentary filmmaker, Belgium, Netherlands)

NAVARRO, Víctor (CERAI, Spain)

NAVARRO Y VALS, Enric (Spain)

NDAMI, Chantal (Social and Human Sciences, France)

NUÑEZ REGUEIRO, Santiago (France)

NURM, Kaul (Member of the European Economic and Social Commitee, raporteur on EESC opinion on Land grabbing – a wake- up call for Europe and an imminent threath to family farming” 2015″, Estonia)

OLIVEIRA BAPTISTA, Fernando (Former Portugal’s Minister of Agriculture, Portugal)

OLIVER, Esther (Student, Spain)

ORTIZ, Dionisio (Departamento de Economía y Ciencias Sociales, Spain)

ORTIZ PEREZ, Samuel (Spain)

OSTYN, Céline (Member of the Nomadic University, France)

PABLO F., Luna (Historian, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences – Center for Historical Studies – Research Group on the History of the Rural World, Paris Sorbonne, France)

PACHECO, Pablo (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, CGIAR)

PAGLIARINO, Elena (PhD, researcher, CERIS, Institute for Economic Research on Firms and Growth)

PAIVA, Joanna (Portugal)

PALPIERIS, Isabel (Spain)

PAOLI, Jean-Christophe (Researcher Ingeneer, French National Institute for Agricultural Research, INRA, France)

PAPAZIAN, Hermine (France)

PAUNKOVIC, Jane (Yugoslavia)

PENADES, Maria Jesus (Spain)

PEREIRA, David (Spain)

PEREIRA, Maria del Carmen (Spain)

PEREIRA, Mari del Carmen (Ecologist Agronomist, Spain)

PEREZ OJEDA DEL ARCO, Matías Pére (Netherlands)

PERINELLE, Anne (Conservation Agriculture Consultant, France)

PERRIN, Coline (Researcher, French National Institute for Agricultural Research, INRA, France)

PESCHE, Denis (Sociologist, International Research Center for Agricultural Development, CIRAD, France)

PICARD, Jérôme (France)

PIERANGELO, Lenoir (France)

PIGRE, Catherine (France)

PILAR BORDETAS , Maria (Consulting, Advisory, Audit and Training, Spain)

PIMBERT, Michel (Director of the Centre for Agroecology and Food Security, CAFS, Coventry University ; High Level Panel of Expert of the Committee for Food Security at the Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Kingdom)

PIOCHE, Philippe (CERAI, France)

PIROTTE, Danielle (Belgium)

PITROU, Jeanne (Retired from Agricultural Education, France)

PLAZA, José Maria (President Sementes de Esperança, FSDE Foundation, Spain)

PLOEGER, Hendrik (Professor in land law and land administration, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Netherlands)

POMMIER, Dennis (Agronomist Engineer , France)

PORTE, Olivier (France)

PRIETO, Samuel (Volunteer at Solidarity Pangea, Spain)

RADE, Gelu-Cristian (Research Assistant, Romania)

RAMIREZ FUERTES, Juan José (Spain)

RANGE, Charline (PhD in Geography, France)

RAOUS, Sophie (Member of Terre de Liens Normandie board, France)

RASTOIN, Jean-Louis (Professeur émérite à Montpellier SupAgro, fondateur de la chaire UNESCO en alimentations du monde, France)

RATZEL-TOGO, Christine (France)

RAVENSCROFT, Neil (Professor, University of Brighton, United Kingdom)

REA, Ilario (IFAD Consultant, Italy)

REYES ZAMBRANO, María Eugenia (Cooperation officer at CERAI, Spain)

RIBAS, Joan Maria (Manager and owner, Spain)

RILEY, Chris (Countryside worker, United Kingdom)


RIOS RIVERA, Diana Maribel (Master Student in geography – President of the ColomVienne Asociación, France)

ROCCELLA, Esther (Student in Agronomy, France)

RODRIGUEZ, Javier (Spain)

ROMERO BORALLO, Eugenio (Member of Extramadura Regional Parliament, Spain)

ROSES ACINAS, Santi (Member of Badalona Assembly for a new constituant process, Spain)

ROUILLÉ D’ORFEUIL, Henri (Agriculture Academy of France, French coordinator of the International Year for Family Farming, France)

ROUX, Bernard (Honorary research fellow at AgroParisTech, member of Agriculture Academy, France)

ROY, Averill (Member of AGTER, France)

RUAULT, Claire (Group for experimentation, research-development and local action, Gerdal, France)

RUBIO RUBIO, Alfredo (Local Development Officier, Spain)

RUIZ PÉREZ, Guiomar (PhD student, Spain)

SABATIÉ, Jean-Louis (NGO volunteer, France)

SALVADOR, Diego Ricardo (Spain)

SARMENTO, Fransisco Bendrao (Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal)

SASSI, Marco (Italy)

SCHMIED, annie (France)

SEGARRA, Felix (Manager and owner, Spain)

SIMON, Elise

SIMONNEAUX, Mathilde (France)

SWADE, Kate (Shared Assets, United Kingdom)

TAMARIT RIUS, Vicent (Documentary Filmmaker, Spain)

TEJADA, Laura (Spain)

TENOURY DOMINGUEZ, Pedro (Training Coordinator at CERAI, Spain)

THYS, Isabelle (Citizen, Belgium)

TIDY, Henri (Friends of the Earth Isère, France)

TITS, Viviane (Belgium)

TORREMOCHA, Eva (Member of the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, IFOAM, Spain)

TORRES GARCIA, David (Director of the International Agriculture and Rural Studies Center, CERAI, Spain)

TROUVÉ, Aurélie (Lecturer, AgroParisTech, France)

URBIETA MAGRO, Almudena (Activist and PhD student, Spain)


VAN HECKEN, Guido (President of Oxfam-Solidarité, Belgium)

VARGAS RUBIO, Miguel Ángel (Spain)

VERANT, Suzelle (France)

VIANEY, Gisèle (Geographer, associated researcher, Tours University, Land Tenure – Mediterranean, , FONCIMED, and France International Land Tenure Expertise, FIEF, France)

VICENTE-ALMAZAN, Maria Dolores (CERAI, Spain)

VILLALABA LÓPEZ, María Socorro (FIARE, Spain)

VUARIN, Pierre (Program officer, The Charles Léopold

WANE, Aissata (Researcher, University of Nanterre, France)

WELWOOD, Carole (United Kingdom)


WOLFER, Bernard (Agro-economist, France)

ZAMPONI, Cecilia (Architect and PhD Student at Sapienza University of Rome Dpt. of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering V. Eudossiana, Italy)


ACEVEDO, Xiomara (Barranquilla+20 ONG Director, Colombia)

ACOSTA, Leonel (Professor, Orient University Center, CUNORI, University of San Carlos USAC, Guatemala)

AGÛERO, Manuel Angel (Arquitecto- Productor de Habitat Comunidad Qollay Pueblos Originarios Andinos, Argentina)

ALCANTARA, Selma (University of Vale do Jaguaribe, Brazil)

ALFONSO, Carlos (Agroculturas, Venezuela)

ALVAREZ RAMIREZ, José Alejandro (Chapingo Autonomous University of Mexico, El Salvador)

ARANGUREN, Cecilia Inés (Argentina)

ARBELETCHE, Pedro (Agronomy University of Uruguay, Uruguay)

AUBEL, Brigitte (Chile)

AUBEL CHACÓN, Brigitte (Social psychologist, organisational development and territories, Chile)

BARBOSA, Vasco (Brazil)

BAUDOIN, Andrea (Ph.D. Student, University of Florida, Bolivia)

BAUMEISTER, Eduardo (INCEDES, Argentina)

BAUTISTA, Ruth (Socio-cultural Researcher, Bolivia)

BAUTISTA DURÁN, Ruth (Institute for Rural Development in South America, Bolivia)

BEATRIZ RUIZ, Carmen (Institute for Rural Development in South America, Bolivia)

BUSTOS AVILA, Camilo Alejandro (Geographiste, Colombia)

CABRERA, Adan (The Tlapaneco, Amuzgo, Mixteco and Nahuatl Peoples from the Costa Chica of Guerrero A.C, Mexico)

CASTILLO HUERTAS, Ana Patricia (Agrarist Feminist, Guatemala)

CASTILLO MALDONADO, María Elena (Women’s Rural Network President, ARICA, Chile)

CAVALLERI, Magela (Profesor of Economics, Uruguay)

CENTENO, Eduardo (Nicaragua)

CERIONI, Laura (Unidad para el Cambio Rural / Unity for Rural Change, communication officer, Argentina)

CETO, Pablo (Maya Fundation FUNDAMAYA, Guatemala)

CEZIMBRA, Eduardo (Brazil)

CHADWICK PASCAL, Jorge Andres (Institute of Agricultural Development, Chile)

CHONCHOL, Jacques (Former Chile’s Minister of Agriculture, Salvador Allende’s Government, Chile)

CHUMACERO, Juan Pablo (Institute for Rural Development in South America, Bolivia)

CORRADINI, Edith Mirta (National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, INIDEP, Argentina)

CORRALES GÓMEZ, Francisco (Small-scale farmer, Nicaragua)

COSTANTINO, Agostina (Argentina)

CRUZ, Omar (Civil society, Mexico)

D’ALESANDRO, Renzo (PhD in sociology from the University Paul Valery and the College of Agriculture of France ; UCCS – Chiapas coordinator , Mexico)

DAZA ARDILA, Diana del Socorro (Colombia)

DE CAMPOS PAULA, Ana Luiza (Kansas State University, Brazil)

DEL CASTILLO MATAMOROS, Sara Eloisa (Observatory of food and nutrition security of the National University of Colombia , Colombia)

DÍAZ CÁRDENAS, Salvador (Autonomous University Chapingo, Mexico)

DOORMANN, Leticia (Argentina)

ECHEVARRIA LEON, Dayma (Profesora, Cuba)

EGUREN, Fernando (Chairman of the Peruvian Centre for Social Studies, Cepes, Peru)

ESPINOSA, Sofia (Ecuador)

ESTEVIS, Juan Manuel (Professor at San Luis Potosí School, Mexico)

FÉLIX, Tatiana (University of Dr Aristide Foundation, Haiti)

FIGUEROA, Alberto (E.T. Por una Reforma Agraria en Argentina, Argentina)

FOCUS MAIGE, Magdalena (Social Worker, Tanzania)

FOUILLADE, Jean-Michel (Secours Populaire Francais, El Salvador)

FREGUIN-GREH, Sandrine (CIRAD, Nicaragua)

GIL, Margarita (Agrarian Dominican Institute-IAD, Dominican Republic)

GÖLZ REINA, José Guillermo (Agroeconomist, Social economy and rural development specialist, Peru – España)

GOMEZ, Sergio (Rural sociologist, Chile)

GONZALEZ ORTEGA, Enmanuelle (Union of Concerned Scientists, UCCS México , Mexico)

GOULART DA SILVA, William (EWP, Brazil)

GUADIAN, José Gabriel (General Coordinator of Guadalajara Chapter, Architecture for Humanity, AFH, Mexico)

HIDALGO, Francisco (The System Research on Land Issues at Ecuador-SIPAE, Ecuador)

HOLT-GIMENEZ, Eric (Food First, Nicaragua)

HUAYHUA, Margarita (teacher and researcher, Peru)

HURTADO, Laura (Action Aid, Guatemala)

IBARRA ROMERO, Roberto Francisco (Land Tenure and society changes researcher, Mexico)

JEAN, Anne Lisberth (Social Activist, Haiti)

JOSEPH, Lucien (Executive Director, Haiti)

KIERSCH, Benjamin (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Chile)

LAFORGE, Michel (Allianza Mesoamericana Pueblos y Bosques – Coordinadora Indigena de la Cuenca Amazonica, Equador)

LAGUNA BRETEL, Sergio (FAO, Bolivia)

LASSO, Geovanna (PhD student, Ecuador)

LATTUADA, Mario (Argentina)

LAUTANO MEDINA, Javier (Colombia)

LAZOS CHAVERO, Elena (Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico)

LEITE, Sergio (Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

LEIVA MONTENEGRO, Cecilia (Former Chile’s Vice Minister of Agriculture, Chile)

LLAQUE DE LA PIEDRA, Paul (Project Development Manager, Peru)

LOPEZ, Jesús (El Salvador)

LÓPEZ BARBOSA, Lorenzo Alejandro (Researcher, Antonio Narro Agrarian Autonomous University, Mexico)

LOPEZ CASTILLO, Mabel (Azapa Ruka Mapu Farmer, Chile)

LOPEZ GIRALDO, Juan Diego (Colombia)

LOVOIS, Miguel (Professor, Brazil)

MACIAS, Miguel Alonzo (Department of sociology, Honduras)

MANÇANO FERNANDES, Bernardo ( São Paulo State University, UNESP, Brazil)

MARCHETI, Pedro (Researcher and access to land consultant, Guatemala)

MAZZONE, Liliana (Argentina)

MEDINA, Ernesto (Rector of the American University, President of the Educational Nicaraguan Forum, Nicaragua)

MEDINA, Javier Lautaro (Land and access to territory team at Research and Popular Education Center, CINEP, Colombia)

MERINO, Letitia (Chair person of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, Mexico)

MERLET, Pierre (PhD Researcher, IOB-University of Antwerp-Belgium ; Universidad Centroamericana, Nicaragua)

MESSORE, Mario (Health, Argentina)

MESTRIES, Francis (Metropolitan University, Mexico)

MIELITZ, Carlos (University Professor, Brazil)

MONTES LAGOS, Lea Maria (Independant Consultant, member of AGTER, Nicaragua)

MORSCH PORTO GOMES, Carla (Student, Brazil)

NATAL, James (OJNRHA, Haiti)

NAVARRO GARZA, Hermiilio (Researcher Professor , Postgraduate Coordinator Rural Development Graduate College, Mexico)

LUIZ VICENTE, Facco (Assistant CONTAG, Brésil)

NEVES, Eduardo Augusto (Forest Engineer ESALQ-USP, European Master SteDE, UNIPD, KU Leuven, Paris 1 – Pantheon Sorbonne, Brazil)

NICHOLLS, Clara (Professor, University of Antioquia, Colombia)

OCHOA, Sarasuadi (Student, Mexico)

OLIVEIRA, Valter (Fluminense Federal University, UFF, Brazil)

OLIVERA, Beatriz (GROW campaign,CIRAD Oxfam Latin America and Caribbean, Mexico)

PEÑA, Máxima (Paula Escaño Center, Dominican Republic)

PEÑA PIÑA, Joaquín (Intercultural University of Chiapas, Mexico)

PERRIER, Leticia (Bolivia)

PERRIER BRUSLE, Leticia (Bolivia)

PINEDA TRUJILLO, Felipe Alberto (Polytechnic University of Valencia, Colombia)

PRADO CORDOBA, José Pablo (Professor, Faculty of Agronomy, University of San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala)

PRUDENCIO, Julio (Socio-economist, researcher, Bolivia)

QUINTANA, Victor (Advisor to the Peasant Farmers’ Democratic Front of Chihuahua, and Professor, Autonomous University of Juarez City, Mexico)

RAMIREZ SANCHEZ, Eric Uriel (Mexico)

RENZO, D’Alessandro (UCCS, Union of scientists engaged with society, Mexico)

RINCON MANRIQUE, Luis Felipe (Colombia)

ROJAS, Alejandro (Chairman , Mexico )

ROMAN VALENCIA, Paola (PhD student, Ecuador)

ROMERO, Juan (Republic university professor, Uruguay)

ROMERO CUELLAR, Jonathan (Researcher in Agroecology, Colombia)

ROMERO VARGAS, Jenny Catalina (PhD student in agri-food economy, Colombia)


SALINAS, Margarita (International consultant, Bolivia)

SALGADO MARTINEZ, Alejandra (Mexico)

SALVADO, Camilo (Researcher of Land and territory, Guatemala)

SÁNCHEZ CABRERA, Alfredo (Consultant, Colombia)

SANTOS, Tiago (Researcher, Brazil)

SARMIENTO, Laura (Argentina)

SIERRA, Carolina (Special Project Assistant, Mexico)

SILLO CONDORI, Julia Elena (FAO, Bolivia)

SPIAGGI, Eduardo (South Observatory, Argentina)

SUÁREZ CARRERA, Victor (Director, National Association of Rural Commercialization Enterprises, ANEC, Mexico)

TAFUR, Andrea (Ecuador)

THOMSON, Frances (Ph.D. Researcher, University of Sussex, United Kingdom / Colombia)

TORRES MAZUERA, Gabriela (Researcher and professor at CIESAS, Mexico)

TORRES MERINO, Juan Carlos (Consultant, Peru)

TUÑON BERROCAL, Irma Raquel (Panama)

URDANIVIA MACHICADO, Maria Roxana (Economist, Bolivia)


VALENCIA TORO, Marcella (Professor, University of San Buenaventura, Bogotá, public policy analyst, National University, Colombia)

VALVERDE, Mercedes (Ecuador)

VELA ARCOS, Monica Patricia (CNC Peasent Nationat Coordinator, Ecuador)

ZAVALA DEL CID, Iris Xiomara (Forest engineer, Coordinator of community based territory management programme, Honduras)

ZUFIAURRE, José Luis (Federation of Drinking Water Cooperatives of Entre Rios, FECAPER Limitada, Argentina)


AJAMIAN, Michelle (United States of America)

ALTIERI, Miguel (Professor, University of Berkeley, California, United States of America)

ANURADHA, Mittal (Executive Director, United States of America)

CRAWFORD, Colin (Professor, United States of America)


DESMARAIS, Susan (Canada)

ELVER, Hilal (United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, United States of America – Turkey)

GUARDIAN, Edgar (International Consultant on Rural Development, Food Security and Agrarian Reform International at FAO, United States of America)

HECKELMAN, Amber (Ph.D. Student Integrated Studies in Land & Food Systems University of British Columbia, Canada)

HERREN, Hans (President and CEO of the Millennium Institute, President of the Biovision Foundation, United States of America)

HOYOS, Natalia

HUFFORD, Mary (United States of America)

ILES, Alastair (Professor, University of Berkeley, California, United States of America)

JOHNSON, Richard (United States of America)

KAIMOWITZ, David (Former Chief executive of the Center for International Forestry Research, CIFOR, United States of America)

LEGER, Nicole (Canada)

MARTINEZ-REYES, Jose (University of Massachusetts, Boston, United States of America)

MÉNDEZ, V. Ernesto (Associate Professor, University of Vermont, United States of America)

MONTENEGRO DE WIT, Maywa (Communications Coordinator, UC Berkeley Diversified Farming Systems Center, United States of America)

MOUSSEAU, Frederic (Policy Director, United States of America)

OUELLET, Myriam (Canada)

PARÉ, Frédéric (Coordinator of the Food Sovereignty Coalition, Quebec, Canada)

PATEL, Raj (Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley, USA, Research Associate, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Fellow at Food First, United Kingdom / United States of America)

PHILPOTT, Stacy (United States of America)

POLLINI, Jacques

PRESS, Daniel (United States of America)


TANIS, Jonathan (Wageningen UR, United States of America)

TREAKLE, Jordan (Rural Advancement Foundation International, United States of America)

WHITE, Andy (President of the Rights and Resources Initiative Group)

WITTMAN, Hannah (Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada)

WORK, Courtney (Researcher, United States of America)

    1. OCEANIA (6)

BARRY, (Technical Advisor, Papua New Guinea)

FEDELE, David (Documentary Filmmaker, Australia)

GASSE, Didier (New Caledonia)


ROBERTSON, Brija (Australia)

TOFINGA, Tarakabu (Senior Land Planning Officer of the Land Management Division, Republic of Kiribati)


Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Republic of the Philippines

Direction Générale du Foncier, de la Formation et de l’Organisation du Monde Rural (DGFOMR), Burkina Faso

Direction de la Législation, Règlementation et Sécurisation Foncière (DLRSF), Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Sécurité Alimentaire (MASA) (General Directorate of Land, Rural Society Training and Organization, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security), MASA, Burkina Faso

Food and Agriculture Organisation, FAO, United Nations

Ministère de l’Agriculture de l’Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt (Ministry of Agriculture, Agrofood and Forestry), MAAF, France

Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Équipement Rural (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Equipment), MAER, Senegal

Ministère du Développement Rural (Ministry of Rural Development), MDR, Democratic Republic of Congo

Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrario (Ministry of Agrarian Development), MDA, Brazil

Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Région (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region), PACA, France

Rhône-Alpes Region (Rhône-Alpes Region), RA, France