ما هو
مناقشات الموضوعات
1. Land reconcentration.
2. Evictions, exclusions and struggles.
3. Improving the distribution of land and natural resource access: Producing more wealth, distributing resources more effectively, and creating more jobs.
4. Improving the distribution of land and natural resource access: Conserving resources and protecting the earth.
5. Facilitating land and natural resource access amongst vulnerable populations: Policies and proposals.
6. Ending evictions and protecting populations’ rights: Policies and proposals.
Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America.
افتتاح المناقشات الإقليمية على الانترنت
5 أشهر من المناقشات الإقليمية لجعل ممارسة المواقف المختلفة الأوضاع الحالية في كل قارة. نحن بفارغ الصبر بعيدا مساهماتكم!
أرسل لنا الإدخال في إطار التحضير للتجميع العمومي!
The goal of the regional discussion phase of the WFAL had been to collect information about evolutions in land and natural resources access over the last 10 years from everyone who is interested in contributing: about the causes and consequences of these evolutions, the ways in which they have been addressed, and the ways in which they should be addressed.
The International Organizing Committee had suggested focusing discussions on six major themes. Organizations and individuals are still invited to make contributions related to these themes, or to other related topics that they deem important.
The global assembly provided a wonderful opportunity to bear witness, form new alliances, and share ideas and proposals. It is now time to clarify which actions to take and how to sustainably implement them. Please continue to discuss forum proposals with other participants, and use the CONTRIBUTIONS and FORUM tabs on the WFAL website to share ideas and documents.
Your contributions are an essential part of the final process!
We eagerly await your contributions!
Since September 2015 and after the world meeting, we are holding regional discussions. Information collected during these regional discussions had formed the basis for regional diagnostic reports and helped us to identify key discussion topics and appropriate courses of action for the global assembly!